Mother’s Day Crafts

Mother’s Day is when we spoil the person we usually take for granted, our mothers! Mother’s Day in America  became an official U.S. holiday in 1914, but its roots date back all the way to ancient Greece and Rome. The modern version of Mother’s Day has religious roots and slowly became more secular over the years. Apparently, there are more phone calls made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year! To celebrate, we have compiled some crafts that kids can make their mom, grandma, or any motherly figure in their life. (It’s also a good way to keep kids occupied for a bit so mom can enjoy a little time to herself on Mother’s Day.)


1. Thumbody Loves You

This “Thumbody Loves You” craft creates less mess than your tradition hand print flower, because kids only put their thumbs in paint. All you need for this craft is some construction paper, crayons, and paint. Giving your kids a variety of paint colors to choose from lets them be more creative and gives them the opportunity to fill up the whole flower pot if they want. This can easily be changed to a gift for grandma as well!

0d99424228ce9418a20748ec840e21e02. Mother’s Day Book

Many crafts end up on the refrigerator door, but this one can go straight to your coffee table. This craft is super simple, because the templates are already made for you! Kids can fill in their own answers to questions about their own mom to create a uniquely personalized gift.

3. Five Things I Love About My Mom

Forget about those store bought cards, and have kids make one of their own this Mother’s Day. This card, which allows kids to emphasize the five things they especially love about their mom. Because it comes with an easy template, all you need is crayons or markers to finish off this craft. It also includes a similar Father’s Day card you can make in June!

4. Kitchen Essentials For Grandma

Perhaps the only people who like showing off what their kids make more than their parents, is their grandparents. So make grandma feel special this Mother’s Day! Hand print aprons and pot holders are quick and easy crafts that grandma can actually use. You can find inexpensive aprons and pot holders at your local craft store, combined with some paint and creativity, and you have a personalized gift. Adding the date allows everyone to remember just how tiny your kids’ hands were at that point.

mothers-day-popsicle-gift5. Home Is Where Mom Is

Popsicle sticks are a staple for DIY crafts because they can be used for so many ideas! This time, they are being used to make a super cute Mother’s Day craft. Once again a simple gift, all you need is some construction paper, Popsicle sticks, buttons, and glue. Allow your kids to be creative, and let them decorate the house how they want with multi-colored buttons.

Crafts are a great way to get the family together and encourage creativity. No matter how messy these crafts might end up, we are sure that your mom will enjoy it just the same.